Yamaha JU109 PW Polished Walnut Upright Piano

Yamaha JU109 PM Polished Walnut Upright Piano. The smallest model in the series with a height of 109 cm, with an emphasis on compactness, yet exquisitely combining fine Yamaha piano craftsmanship and technology.

A fine example of natural beauty, the JU109 features an exquisite combination of Yamaha craftsmanship and technology that make it delightfully affordable and a joy to play.

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    The compact JU/JX series represents a distillation of Yamaha’s entire upright piano design philosophy—delivering high-quality sound and natural resonance, along with superb durability. Experience the profound joy in owning a fine acoustic instrument, and let the JU/JX series pianos bring you into a new lifestyle, full of musical intimacy.


    Yamaha designs and manufactures its soundboards, frames, keyboard actions, and other piano parts with unwavering reliability and under the strictest quality control. All parts are assembled by skilled craftsmen to create a thoroughly balanced piano that combines Yamaha’s uniquely pure sound quality with excellent performance. The result is a high level of expressiveness that responds faithfully even to those who are just playing the piano for the first time.

    The JU/JX series was designed with an emphasis on compactness in every aspect—height, width and depth. The JU109 have been constructed with special care and detailed attention to each, and the compact size (a height of 109 cm) makes them ideal for limited spaces. The JX113T and JX113CP have a height of 113 cm, giving it a more expressive sound.

    The JU/JX series also include a lineup that features the unique Yamaha SILENT Piano™ technology, which lets you plug in a set of headphones and fully immerse yourself in the sound as you play—without having to worry about your surroundings.

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    Yamaha Corporation Group Yamaha's history began when its founder, Torakusu Yamaha, repaired a broken reed organ in 1887. Shortly thereafter, he successfully completed the first reed organ to be built in Japan. Since then, Yamaha has continued to produce high-quality products by blending traditional craftsmanship with advanced digital technology. The quality of sound produced by a Yamaha musical instrument reflects the long years of accumulated technical expertise and the skilled craftsmanship of the Company. With our unique expertise and sensibilities, gained from our devotion to sound and music, the Group is committed to creating excitement and cultural inspiration together with people around the world. For more information, please visit: http://www.yamaha.com/about_yamaha/corporate/ 
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